Amity Estate Residents Assosiation


We Support Each Other!

Welcome to the Amity Estate Residents Association, where community spirit thrives!
We are a close-knit group of individuals dedicated to fostering a harmonious and vibrant living environment within the Amity Estate.


To join the Amity Estate Residents Association, simply follow these steps:

Attend our Monthly Meetings

Joining is easy – attend our monthly meetings held on the last Saturday of every month at the estate's main entrance.

Engage and Participate

During the meetings, get involved in discussions, share your thoughts, and connect with fellow residents. This is a great opportunity to understand the community and contribute to its well-being.

Stay Informed

Keep an eye on announcements and updates shared during the meetings or through other communication channels. This will help you stay informed about community events, initiatives, and important matters.

Connect with Association Members

Reach out to current members of the Residents Association, ask questions, and express your interest in joining. Building connections with your neighbors will help integrate you into the community.

Complete Membership Process

Follow any specific guidelines or procedures outlined by the association for joining. This may include submitting an application or fulfilling other requirements as specified by the association.

By following these steps, you'll become an integral part of the Amity Estate Residents Association and contribute to the collective effort of making our community a better place to live. We look forward to welcoming you at our next monthly meeting!


Attend our monthly meeting, see the schedules below

Amity Estate Main Entrance

Last Saturday Of Every Month

Meeting Starts 9.00am

Meet The Executives

Here is your chance to connect with our community leaders, discuss initiatives, and shape the future of our neighborhood. Join us for an opportunity to engage with the dedicated individuals guiding Amity Estate towards excellence.


(General Secretary)

(Fin. Secretary)


(Security & Welfare)

(Social Director)

Barr. Uche ( Legal )

Our community

At Amity, our community thrives on respect, collaboration, and active participation. We encourage residents to treat each other kindly, embrace diversity, and contribute to a clean and vibrant environment. By fostering open communication and engagement, we create a harmonious living space where everyone feels valued and connected. Let's work together to make Amity a community we are proud to call home.

Join and enjoy the perks of membership!

Registration occurs during our meetings, where your information is stored in the database, and your resident login details will be provided to you.